Episode #93: 1 year Anniversary. 10 things I learnt over the past 12 months

Episode #93: 1 year Anniversary. 10 things I learnt over the past 12 months



**Last week for Free Focus Sessions http://andymurphy.biz/free-focus-session **FREE Hypnosis** http://andymurphy.biz/mindset-by-design-podcast

**MBD Academy**http://LifeByDesign.Today


Be your world-class 5:00

You don’t have to go through all the pain 10:00

Fun 11:30

What do you want? 14:00

Imagination 16:00

No one deserves to beat you 22:00 Use the momentum of the past 24:00

Persistence 25:00 Get rid of people who don’t commit to their word 29:00 Give it everything you have 34:00 Frequency 37:00 My nan 41:00



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